Wednesday, September 07, 2005


It's been long. Well not so long to be registered as history. It hasn't even been a year but I can say it's been long. Well it's been quite long since Mom and Pops separated and I'm surprised it's not creating a chain reaction of quandaries. For three long and abysmal years they did nothing but argue and almost hit the guts out of each other. It was like a nightmare that I'll never wake up from in a long time. I'm just glad that nightmare has finally ended but I can't say it ended a happy ending. They separated. But still I have to be thannkful for the fact that it has been more peaceful and selene this way. At least no more shouting at dawn, no more violent breaking of glasses, no more nightmares.

Other than Mom and Pops being separated from each other, I am separated from my family. That day at the airport was so... I don't know how to explain it. I wanted to cry and at the same time I wanted to smile. Still there are aspects when it's better this way. No more telling me what to do or how to behave and the pinnacle of all is I get to test myself and see if I'm competent enough to compete in the stadium of the real world. Unfortunately, no more Mom and Pops to back me up but still I'll manage. I depend on myself for all instances. Well I should in the first place! Who else am I to run to but myself? Being too dependent on other people even to kinsmen can somewhat be a weakness.

And to also think I've been separated from Eths and my other friends from St. Peter for four long years. It was hard. I couldn't find new friends to replace them here in Puerto. Of course I'm not denying that Monix was a very good friend to me but still absolutely no one will ever replace Eths and the rest. Even after four years we managed to preserve our friendship. One of the most miraculous things I'm thankful for in my life. I'll forever treasure this.

Separation is but a shock. One must believe...

Even though you weren't able to see it, I had faith in you.
-Lulu to Wakka, Final Fantasy X-2


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