Saturday, September 10, 2005


"If peoeple have to eradicate each other in order to survive then why is the whole world so fussed up about social security and protection?"

Humans... What are they anyway? A threat to their own kind?

Humans. Such a mundane word in my vocabulary during the days of my youth and naivete. But as time and I grew up, so did my conception through the word. Well not only the word but the essence itself. Humans. Should I be honored and thankful in being a part of the human race? A lot of people are but I'm only half grateful. I believe we are such a foul race. Backed up by that field called technology has only made us reek a whole new level worse. For many times I wished that I was not human in the first place but then what else is there to be? I don't wanna be a mindless animal nor an element of nature. But if only it was possible, it would feel magical to transform into wind and just fly whenever you want to with absolutely nothing to hold you back. such freedom only a few are gifted. Yet those gifted often abuse that freedom. Abuse - Another word that huamsn tend impassively overdo. Are humans naturally born to be swayed and manipulated by the ways of evil? Are we? Am I too...?

I've spent the last two days reading all ten volumes of Ragnarok: Into The Abyss. Now first and foremost, I don't mean that wretched online game desecrated by humans. I'm already shameless to admit that Master Diwa is already among them. If ever he reads this part of the blog then I don't care what he'll think next. Although we've already pacified about that phenomenal argument I commenced between us, I consider our friendship erased. We only knew each other well in a game. In an entirely new dimension. But come to real life terms, no explanations necessary for that part. Anyway, I've lost track of the objective. Time to head back.

Into The Abyss truly is intriguing. It involves largely the human race and the scum that composes it. Humans are weak. Ages ago I thought it was only an overused cliche in stories but I've come to realize that it's true. In fact too true. Humans are weak. More accurately defined as a physically larger version of a parasite. Most humans just rely on other humans for their oen survival eventually draining that human of life force while the parasite lives.

"You're hankering after the valuables buried here. That's all you hard-hearted two-faced humans ever cared for. Mankind has always been covetously greedy creatures!"
-Reina, Ragnarok: Into The Abyss, Volume 9

That hit hard. She's right. Too right...


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