Sunday, July 31, 2005

Lyceum Debate Society

LDS meetings just reheld yesterday. Damn those Prelims. My debating skills are becoming rusty and to think I didn't get to practice yesterday. My team was incomplete so I was assigned to adjudicate instead. I did a pretty fair job and showed no sides. So far the LDS is the only thing that keeps me industrious in school. I still do a pretty lame job as a student now that we're still tackling the menial basics. I can't wait to negotiate with the core subjects! The OJTs of Journalism! Nice.

Yesterday before meeting was adjourned, Glen gave us one inspirational speech. He said that the LDS isn't just an org. It's also an expanded group of friends. It's fun. It's also a training ground and we get to socialize with other schools. One day, we'll have a cross training with San Sebastian and St. Scholastica. And one day, we'll get to own those high-time schools such as UP, UST, De La Salle and Ateneo! Yeah, LDS is on the road!

But seriously, we really are capable of owning those charlatans of schools. Damn them, they're all nothing but talk! We'll show them that LDS can kick where it hurts! It's not in the school. That's one damn thing that they should have rubbed on their heads! Argh! If we the posterity we'll take charge, we'll place LDS way higher than the highest summit of Debating glory. High above UP and DLSU and those bananas. We're gonna kiss the moons, baby!

Glen spoke, "If you're going to do something, you might as well do your best. You never know that nothing can eventually evolve into something, or even everything." Thanks Glen, it was obviously more than just talk. You displayed yourself as an example. The LDS was a hybrid of friendship and competition. You not only compete with each other but also against each other. Glen also said not to take the LDS trainings as just plain practice. Think of it as a competition. Aim for the top. Glen did the exact same thing. He also told us that he saw authentic debating potential in us. We did much better jobs as neophytes than what they did (Glen, Pryma, Nicky, Fatima, et cetera) long before and he foresees that we'll be even much and incomparably better.

Thanks GC Glen. We know you're not bluffing. We'll place LDS on a position most unimaginable.


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