Flip Flopped
I'd rather not buy Havaianas. Too expensive for a pair of rubber chinelas.
-Kuya Wine
That's what I remind myself whenever I'm tempted to buy a pair of Havaianas. Insanely expensive rubber flip flops made in Brazil.
Not a long time ago I wanted to buy a pair of tsinelas. I'd rather say that since "flip flops" sound like a term for the fashionistas. I've been trying to set aside Havaianas for a while but they remain to be the ONLY choice for me. I was looking for a comfortable pair of footwear until I found Banana Peel. It seemed to be a local brand since its prices are around Php 60 to Php 200. I bought a pair for myself and my sister and we seemed to like it. That is I discovered it was fade-able.
Then Ate Glen's birthday came and I gave her a pair for Php 60. It seemed to be a bargain! She said they were comfortable, durable and they took a long time to fade! Better that than Havaianas, Roxy, Reef, Crocs or those pricey tsinelas for the conyos. And Carlo taught me to be practical. He also wondered why many people want to spend to up to Php 1,000 for a pair of designer tsinelas.
Well, Tita Cherry has a wedged pair of Havaianas and they were lovely! Sadly it was a hard-to-find product. And I might eventually grow tired of it if I did own a pair.
Now I understand why Havaianas is a hot thing among the coños. Flip flops are a trend in the USA. Amazing how they once laughed at the Asian funny footwear and now it's a fashion statement. Of course our local coños would rather follow the American trends hence Havaianas became a hit. it's overrated here in RP. A friend said that's it's affordable in the US.
Yay. Coños being duped into buying overpriced rubber tsinelas thinking that it's actually a fashion statement.
I've learned to care less for printed soles since they cannot be seen anyway when worn and will eventually fade.
And I wonder why the word "coño" became associated with the rich people when it actually means "cunt" in Spanish.